Destination: Edinburgh...

Destination: Edinburgh...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Welcome to the Forest of Arden!

Hello friends, family, and people who accidentally stumbled onto this blog!

Welcome to "As WE Like it: PDS Takes Edinburgh." Over the next 3 weeks, we will be updating you and the world wide web all about our rehearsals at PDS to our adventures as we travel through London and Edinburgh (and a short stop in Iceland).

Today was the first day of rehearsals for As You Like It and boy was it thrilling. It was great to be back with everyone! We started the day off running the show with Cast B and then had a lunch break (thanks for the salad, Dad!). After our break, we ran through the show again with Cast A. Surprisingly, everyone had their lines and blocking memorized. We're going to be in great shape by the end of the week!

As you (like it) know, the show has a lot of musical elements. During the trip, we will have a chance to perform and advertise our show on the streets of Edinburgh. The musicians have already starting working on a few songs. Here is a sneak peak at what they've been working on!

Stay tuned because PDS will be taking Edinburgh by storm and you won't want to miss a beat.

Company Manager, 

Jessica Toltzis

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